As Your Seller/Landlord Representative our roles require the following:
- Maximize Net Operating Income
- Maintain high Occupancy
- Maintain rents consistent with the market with the lowest front-end costs
- Have creditworthy or quality tenants
- Have quality leases
- Control operating costs
When representing Property Owners or Landlords, VG REALTY:
- Prepares a CCIM Strategic Analysis of like buildings/parcels on the market to position your property optimally in today’s market
- Determines a target audience for the subject property and research potential buyers/tenants to approach with property information.
- Lists your property on numerous web-based listing services accessed by hundreds of NC real estate brokers, and the general public on a state and national level.
- Prepares signage and marketing material for distribution including demographics, traffic counts, site plans, aerial images, maps, and floorplans (where appropriate)
- Sends eBlasts to over 700 brokers in the area. We also have available a national “haves and wants” list that is distributed to the public.
- Develops feasibility studies for proposed projects
- It is critical as Seller Reps that we market our Clients properties proactively to seek
Potential buyers or tenants in state and out of state. Our goal is to be aggressive and to provide the best possible solutions for our Client (Seller